Local Planning
Support for maintaining and strengthening a sense of place and community identity in Larimer County communities by encouraging the use of downtown areas as the primary cultural and governmental centers and by using a variety of measures to ensure the economic vitality of downtown areas. Encourage the inclusion of a mix of goods and services and of housing types to attract a diverse group of people, including families.
Support of adequate funding for comprehensive planning and its implementation, including periodic review and monitoring, by Larimer County and its cities and towns. This should include intergovernmental and regional planning.
Support for the principle that the costs of capital improvements resulting from growth should be borne by those who benefit from them but that special allowances should be made for affordable housing and for natural areas.
Continued support for acquisition of open space.
Number of Larimer County Commissioners
Support increasing the number of Larimer County Commissioners from three to five and exclusively support the following two election options for the ballot:
- Five commissioners, each elected by voters in their representative districts.
- Three commissioners elected by voters in their representative districts and two countywide commissioners elected at-large.
Instant Runoff Voting (IRV)
Support an alternative to plurality voting that would accomplish the following objectives:
- Every person’s vote should count;
- A winner should have majority support;
- Maximize voter participation;
- Offer a variety of candidates and ideas; encourage positive, issue-based campaigning.
We believe that in single-seat elections, IRV has the best chance of meeting these objectives.
Library Funding
The League of Women Voters of Larimer County supports funding of public libraries in Larimer County either through voter-approved property tax or a combination of dedicated property tax and public general-fund revenue. Dedicated property tax provides a more stable and predictable source of funding for public libraries than one that depends solely on general-fund revenues.