Events - Month View
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Keynote by Rep Monica Duran, House Majority Leader, Representative for HD23
This chapter will explore the contours of the U.S. foreign policy debate as it plays out in a world of multiple and escalating crises and domestic polarization.
The Legislative Action Team meets every other Monday during the month beginning on January 20, 2025 while the Colorado General Assembly is in session, and as needed during state elections and the General Assembly‘s Interim Session. The meetings are on Zoom. All are welcome!
The kickoff meeting for the Women‘s Equality Day Celebration will begin making plans for the 2025 event!
LWVLC Consensus meeting - Religious Freedom Proposed Position.
536 Ouray Ave, Grand Junction CI 82501
The Larimer League‘s Civil Liberties & Rights Team is hosting the February General Meeting - Before The Storm: Our Immigrant Community & How to Be An Ally. This digital panel presentation is aimed at Larimer League members as well as residents of Larimer County. The panelists will share insights into how threats of potential deportation are impacting the immigrant community in Larimer County and how we can be positive allies for them. This meeting is open to all League members and Larimer County residents. Please register on the League of Women Voters of Larimer County‘s web calendar to receive the Zoom link. All are welcome.
Strategic plan has a PR component that will be discussed.
This is the monthly meeting of the Voter Services Team. All are welcome! At our meetings we discuss our activities supporting voters, such as Voter Registration, Candidate Forums, Ballot Issues pamphlets and presentations,, GOTV, Voter Girl Project, and more!
The Informed Citizen Book Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month to discuss books on topics that impact our lives, societies, and politics. You do not need to be a LWV member to attend, book club discussions are open to everyone!
For Black History Month, the ICBC will read The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together by Heather McGhee
From the financial crisis to rising student debt to collapsing public infrastructure, economist Heather McGhee found a common root problem: racism. But not just in the most obvious indignities for people of color. Racism has costs for white people, too. It is the common denominator of our most vexing public problems, the core dysfunction of our democracy and constitutive of the spiritual and moral crises that grip us all. With startling empathy, this heartfelt message from a Black woman to a multiracial America leaves us with a new vision for a future in which we finally realize that life can be more than a zero-sum game.
This is the monthly meeting of the LWVLC Civil Liberties & Rights Team. All are welcome to join in our conversation and our work. We meet on Zoom.
The Informed Citizen Book Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month to discuss books on topics that impact our lives, societies, and politics. You do not need to be a LWV member to attend, book club discussions are open to everyone!
For Black History Month, the ICBC will read The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together by Heather McGhee
From the financial crisis to rising student debt to collapsing public infrastructure, economist Heather McGhee found a common root problem: racism. But not just in the most obvious indignities for people of color. Racism has costs for white people, too. It is the common denominator of our most vexing public problems, the core dysfunction of our democracy and constitutive of the spiritual and moral crises that grip us all. With startling empathy, this heartfelt message from a Black woman to a multiracial America leaves us with a new vision for a future in which we finally realize that life can be more than a zero-sum game.
Heart of the Rockies Church
Our Health Care Team continues to advocate for access to affordable care for all, gun violence prevention as a public health issue, and public health. Join us for our meetings on the second Thursday of each month. We meet in person and will arrange for a Zoom connection when specifically requested.
Jeff Feneis, Executive Director of the Loveland Housing Authority, will share plans for the Legacy Crossing housing development.
Monthly team meeting - all interested League members welcome to attend!
Join us as we continue to work on the LWVLC website.
Pat Burger and Kathy Maher are inviting you to the monthly meeting for the Board of Directors. This meeting will be held on Zoom.
Heart of the Rockies Church
New and prospective members are invited to celebrate the League‘s 105th Birthday and learn about our history, mission and program priorities. We‘ll offer opportunities for involvement and answer questions. Come for cake and conversation followed by the presentations. Reservations requested by February 12 on the calendar. Carpooling can be arranged.
The Legislative Action Team meets every other Monday during the month beginning on January 20, 2025 while the Colorado General Assembly is in session, and as needed during state elections and the General Assembly‘s Interim Session. The meetings are on Zoom. All are welcome!
Join the J.E.D.I. Task Force the "Everything You Wanted to Know About Transgender People But Were Afraid To Ask" discussion with Shana Tracy, J.E.D.I. Task Force member.
The work of the February Environmental Team (ET) meeting will be to take our Program Planning Night Areas of Emphasis (see attachment) and analyze what work we need to do to cause them to happen. By work, we mean BIG LONGTERM commitments, as well as smaller details to accommodate your schedule and skills. It all contributes. This meeting is open to all 45 ET members, other LL Environmental Groups, and Community members.
Sandra Wright, Project Manager for Loveland Homeless Systems will provide an update on Homeward Alliance‘s services for people experiencing homelessness in Loveland and the status of resource center/shelter project.
Regular monthly meeting of committee to plan fundraising initiatives and education/communication to encourage donations in support of the work of our Larimer League.
Housing Legislative Update 2025 with Representative Andrew Boesenecker, House District 53 and Elenie Angelides, Legislative Director, Office of Governor Polis
Colorado State University. Room: TBA
2/27 is Student Press Freedom Day. CSU‘s school of journalism with LWV Observer Project will host Freedom of Information Attorney Eric Maxfield in a discussion of recent events signaling issues for the Citizens Right to Know in Colorado. Public invited.
Join us as we continue to work on the LWVLC website.
The Gun Violence Prevention (GVP) Task Force is featuring speaker, Lena Heilmann, Ph.D., M.N.M., Director – the Office of Suicide Prevention.
The Office of Suicide Prevention serves as the statewide lead for suicide prevention, intervention supports, and postvention efforts in Colorado, collaborating with communities statewide to reduce the number of suicide deaths and attempts.