December 2024 Citizen Observer Highlights
Jorie Kramer
Posted: 2025-02-18T23:40:18Z
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Compiled by Jorie Kramer, Larimer County Snapshot News
- The board of trustees voted to authorize allocation of funds for the Main Street Mini-Grant from the Department Of Local Affairs. The grant is for $10,000 annually and requires a 20% ($2,000) match from the town. The grant will be used for projects such as:
- Hiring a Public Relations consultant to create a “shop local” campaign
- Creating a community video to advertise for the town
- Facilitating a downtown art project
- Installing directional and historical signage
- The board considered the 2025 statement of work and budget by and between the County of Larimer Sheriff’s Department and the town of Wellington, and then unanimously approved the work list and budget for 2025. The original contract is for five years; however, it requires a review and update each year.
Observer: Nanci Wendland
- Wastewater treatment rates will increase for residential and commercial users in 2025. New rates for single family dwellings and large, multi-family dwellings will average around $596 annually. The minimum tap fee for new construction will increase to $4,650. Retail users will see their cost per 1,000 gallons increase to $11.275 in 2005.
- The 2025 budget includes a 5% raise for all staff. The directors voted against increasing the $85 per meeting that directors are paid.
Observer: Rebecca Urquhart
- The purchase and sale agreement between Johnstown and Charlotte M. Yelek was unanimously approved for real property located at 7762 East County Road 16, Loveland, CO 80537. The property consists of approximately 67 acres. Seventy percent of the funds will come from the Larimer County Open Space sales tax, and the remaining thirty percent will come from the Johnstown General fund. The land is under a conservation covenant for the next 14 years. When the covenant expires, the owners can do as they wish with the property. Johnstown wanted to secure this property for future use. Mayor Michael Duncan said he thinks it’s a good investment.
Observer: Nanci Wendland
The Observer Project appreciates the support of CFOIC in their advocacy at the Colorado Capitol to protect the Citizens Right to Know. While there were setbacks for transparency in our legislature, here’s a couple issues applicable to our reporting for which CFOIC prevailed in 2024:
- Opposed an unsuccessful “CORA abuse” bill that would have created additional delays and barriers for records requesters.
- Opposed an unsuccessful bill that would have created additional delays and barriers in the written law of the Colorado Open Records Act.
- Continued to publish original articles intended to keep journalists and the public informed about state-and-local issues involving freedom of information, press freedom and government transparency.
The full reports by Citizen Observers for the League of Women Voters of Larimer County are available on this Substack.
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