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Date: 3/15/2025
Subject: MID MONTH UPDATE - March 15, 2025
From: League of Women Voters of Larimer County

 March 15, 2025

In This Issue
  • Upcoming Events
  • Things You Should Know
  • Volunteer Now!
  • Welcome New Members


Your Presence Needed at this Important Meeting
Quorum Required
Concurrence Proposal - League of Women Voters of New Mexico (LWVNM) Affordable Housing Position
Consensus Vote - League of Women Voters of Colorado (LWVCO) Position Statement on Separation of Church and State
Monday, March 24
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Register here
Do the League's terms "concurrence" and "consensus" confuse you? Would you like to understand them better? Are you interested in having your voice heard on the important topics of affordable housing and separation of Church and State?
Then join us at our March 24 special meeting! The Affordable Housing Team (AHT) will review an affordable housing position previously adopted by the LWVNM. The team will seek your input on whether our League should "concur" with this position. Please read the AHT's report here.
Following the AHT's presentation, we will vote on a proposed LWVCO position statement on the separation of Church and State as part of a "consensus" process. An informational meeting was held on this topic on February 5. You can prepare for the vote by reviewing the study material on the LWVCO website. You must sign in to the LWVCO website.
Your participation is important! The League cannot advocate on a matter unless we have an established position that addresses the issue and guides our action. Please join us! 

Environmental Team Meeting
Wednesday, March 19
10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Everything we do and experience is affected by the Climate Emergency! Hear the results of our recent actions and/or be part of what we do next.  Reports will be made by our Interest Groups:
  • Oil, Gas and Air Quality
  • Water Quality and Use
  • Pollinator Habitat
  • Recycling, Plastics, Producer Responsibility, Green/Solid Waste
  • Environmental Justice
New members with new perspectives are welcome! You can register here.

New Members Conversations Continue!
Wednesday, March 19
6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
The Board of Directors of our League and the leaders of our Issues Teams, Voter Services Team, and Education Groups invite new League members to a Zoom-based open discussion. We want to hear about YOUR interests and priorities for action and advocacy in our League.
This meeting will not be organized around a presentation; it is meant to be a listening session so that we can learn what motivates you and what you want to accomplish with your membership. During the discussion, we will answer your questions about our organization and practices. This will not be a repeat of the New Members Orientation.
You can register here.

South Larimer Discussion Group and Berthoud Library Present "Daring Deeds"
Thursday, March 20, 2025
5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
The League of Women Voters of Larimer County and the Berthoud Library are hosting this event for Women's History Month. Jean Wyrick, Professor Emerita of English at Colorado State University, will be presenting "Daring Deeds: Our Courageous Foremothers' Fight for the 19th Amendment." This program will be a dramatic retelling of the Americian suffragists' fight for the vote during the heated 1913-1920 years of intense activism, culminating in the passage of the 19th Amendment and the founding of the League of Women Voters.
We welcome both League members and the general public. Both in-person and virtual attendance options are offered. You can register here.

Consensus Meeting - Federal Judiciary
Tuesday, March 25 - 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. via Zoom
Tuesday, April 8 - 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, Loveland
There is a great deal to understand about the Federal Judiciary. Take the Shadow Docket, for example. The Shadow Docket was once referred to as an "emergency docket" because it considered death row appeals and occasional requests to halt a lower court's orders. In recent years, the Court has begun issuing more rulings on significant issues through the Shadow Docket. You can read more here.
How do you become involved in the important issue of the Federal Judiciary?  It's easy! Join local League members in a discussion on either March 25 or April 8. Come prepared by reviewing the study resources on our website, including the recording of our February 24 local discussion with Eric Waples. You can also watch the League of Women Voters of Denver's webinar on the Federal Judiciary for a quick review of the federal court system.
The consensus process is essential to the development of League position statements and should reflect the views of our members. For this grassroots process to be effective, we need as many members as possible to prepare for the consensus meeting this month and join in the discussion.
Please register on the League calendar for the March 25 or April 8 event. For questions, please contact co-chairs Linda Mahan or Kathy Maher.

Loveland Habitat for Humanity Build Day
Saturday, April 5
Two shifts available
Are you ready to make a difference in the life of a local family by giving four hours of your time? Then join us at the League of Women Voters/Habitat for Humanity Build Day on Saturday, April 5. Both members and nonmembers are welcome.
Just scan the QR code to register. Shifts run from 8:00 a.m. to noon and 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. No skills/experience needed and all tools, equipment and training will be provided. If you have any questions, please contact Trish Warner.

Pathways to Stability - Affordable Housing Solutions
Monday, April 28
7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Supportive housing provides a path forward for those persons who face the greatest challenges as they struggle for stability in their lives. Join the Affordable Housing Team on April 28 to learn more about this important service. More information will be available in the April League Lines. You can register here.

Membership Update
As has been mentioned in previous newsletters, new membership and membership renewal transactions are now handled through a national website. The rollout of the new membership management system has been challenging. We have worked hard to address all issues "behind the scenes." However, if you are having trouble with the system, please let us know. Our Membership Team is working daily to ensure we welcome new members into our activities!
We anticipate that existing members will eventually receive an invitation to log on to the new membership management site. However, this process has been delayed. Most renewals for our League will occur in the fall of 2025. We are confident that the system will be operating smoothly by then.

League Testimony Pays Off!
Last year, Larimer County and Colorado League members testified to help pass SB24-072, Voting for Confined Eligible Voters. The legislation requires county sheriffs and county clerks across the State to operate polling centers at jails during even-year elections. As a result, over 200 inmates voted from the Larimer County Jail this past November.
Read more in this article from the Denver Post. Congratulations to our Voter Services Team!

  Looking Ahead...

Many Hands Make for Light Work?!
Did you know that our League is now 360 members strong!
An all-volunteer membership organization of our size relies on members to volunteer for the many initiatives and support function that make our League the best (and largest) in Colorado! Please be sure to check the Volunteer Now! page for current volunteer opportunities.

  Looking Ahead...

Welcome to our many new members! Click here to find their contact information and to learn more about some of our new members. Contact information can also be found in the online Member Directory. The online Member Directory is available ONLY to members who log in.

Lisa Blankenship

Debbie Bostak

Tina Clark

Candice Clemens 

Lisa Cunningham

Cheryl Johnson 

Mandeep Gill (Mandy)

Mel Goldsipe

Kathy Graybill

Maggie Hayes

Susan Henry

Laura Hester

Heather Johnson

Heather Jones 

Wendy Jones

Linda Lalamentik 

Ixchel Levendosky

Ann Murphy

Paula Murray

Jennifer Nestler

Pat Parker

Franki Parson

Nancy Petruso

Jamie Baker Roskie

Colleen Silan

Adele Tschirley

Torrie Thomas

Tom Vosburg

  Looking Ahead...
  Looking Ahead...