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Date: 2/1/2025
Subject: LEAGUE LINES - February 1, 2025
From: League of Women Voters of Larimer County

FEBRUARY 1, 2025



In This Issue
  • Important Signaling from LWVUS
  • February 5: Membership QUORUM NEEDED!
  • February 10: General Meeting on Immigration Issues
  • News from Our Issues Teams & Education Groups
  • Things You Should Know

Important Signaling from LWVUS

Expecting that many of our members would appreciate guidance right about now on how to regroup, rally, and respond to the fast and sweeping changes being rolled out by the new administration, we are dedicating a significant amount of space in this issue to recent messaging from LWVUS. In separate communiques with different audiences and objectives, President Dianna Wynn and CEO Celina Stewart reaffirm the League's commitment to its central purposes: empowering voters and defending democracy. May you be re-energized and motivated anew by what they have to say.
Opportunities abound for getting stuck in. The tasks, as you know, are many and varied. 
Photos: LWVUS CEO Celine Stewart (left) and LWVUS President Dianna Wynn (right).
Statement from LWVUS CEO Celina Stewart
January 24, 2025
WASHINGTON - Today, the League of Women Voters of the United States CEO Celina Stewart issued the following statement in response to actions taken by the new administration and the impact they will have on our democracy:
"In the first week of President Trump's second term, we've witnessed an undeniable assault on the foundation of our democracy. 
"The League is deeply dismayed by the executive order eliminating federal voter access initiatives (Initial Recissions of Harmful Executive Orders and Actions). This order removes federal support for voter access and registration initiatives. This is a direct attack on the progress made to ensure that all Americans can freely and fairly participate in our elections. Instead of dismantling efforts that expand voter access, our government must enact policies that eliminate barriers, modernize voter registration, and provide accurate election information to all Americans.
"By pardoning the January 6 perpetrators, the President sends a signal to extremists who seek to use violence to undermine the will of the voters. The actions that took place on January 6, 2021, must never happen again. Unfortunately, these pardons endorse the violence of that devastating event. We must work to safeguard our institutions, uphold the will of the people, and commit to a peaceful transfer of power. 
"As an organization working towards a multi-racial representative democracy, the League is outraged about the new administration's rollbacks to federal Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility initiatives (Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing). Abandoning these values across our government proliferates intolerance of the freedom of expression and identity and is a hateful act used to target federal employees of color and of the LGBTQIA+ community. 
"All of this week's actions are distressing and dangerous for people of vulnerable populations who are already disadvantaged in society. This administration's tactic is to exert control over the American people through chaos and fear. Now is the time to lead with compassion, move in partnership, and stand in solidarity with those most directly impacted by the extreme and harmful actions taken this week. 
"As our democracy continues to be tested, the League of Women Voters will remain steadfast in our fight to empower voters and defend democracy for all people."


On January 20th, the incoming President and Vice President swore their oaths of office at the presidential inauguration in Washington, DC. A few days before, anticipating unprecedented challenges ahead, LWVUS President Dianna Wynn published the League's pledge to its own oath to protect and preserve democracy. 
The League's Oath to Democracy
"We do solemnly swear that we will empower voters and defend our democracy:
"That we will faithfully execute our civic responsibility as nonpartisan advocates;
"We do this fearlessly, reflectively, and collectively. We act from a place of hope and collective power.
"We affirm that we will work to provide democracy education and election administration support, restore and defend voting rights protections, abolish the Electoral College, protect democracy organizations, and fight for reproductive freedoms. We will not be deterred from these tasks.
"So join us to protect life, liberty, freedom and justice."
Our work is for and with the people. Every League member is you. Whether we're volunteering to register young voters at a local high school, opposing unfair redistricting practices that will disempower our neighbors, helping our friends and family get informed by setting up state and local candidate debates, or sending our resources to democracy rights groups, we're fighting in the ways we choose, and we can all participate in civic life.
Our pledges keep us committed to each other, to our democracy, and to our future. We'll see you on the other side.
Read President Dianna Wynn's full blog here:

 League-Wide News and Events

Study on the Separation of Church & State:
Meeting to Learn About Findings, Vote on Proposed Position
February 5, 6:30 pm
The League of Women Voters of Colorado feels strongly that the separation of church and state as described in the establishment clause of the First Amendment is a cornerstone of our democracy. An LWVCO study group has recently concluded that this cornerstone is currently threatened by religious nationalism. The charge of this study group was to determine the need for a position statement by the League of Women Voters of Colorado on the separation of church and state. The study group is now reaching out to Local Leagues to share their findings and raise awareness of the significance of this issue, with the goal of reaching statewide consensus on a new LWVCO position. 
LWV-Larimer County will host Jeff Oster, LWVCO Study Group Lead, on February 5, 6:30 pm via Zoom to present the study. Following his presentation, we will discuss the consensus questions and vote on whether to accept the proposed LWVCO position.
A quorum of our members is required in order to take a vote.
Your voice is critical now if our League is to participate in the state-level vote in March.
Please register here NOW and be sure to attend this event: Religious Freedom Proposed Position: Education & Consensus - 2/5/2025
You may want to review the study report and related video interviews in advance. You will find them here (log in to access):


General Meeting: February 10
Our Immigrant Community & How to Be An Ally
Our February General Meeting, on the 10th at 7:00 pm, will be hosted by the Civil Liberties & Rights Team, who are bringing to us a timely virtual panel presentation concerning immigration issues. The panelists will share their perspectives on how threats of potential deportation are impacting the immigrant community in Larimer County. 
The panelists include: Jesús Castro Gonzalez - Dreamer and Board Vice-Chair ISAAC NOCO; Kimberly Baker Medina, J.D. - Immigration Attorney practicing in Fort Collins; Claudia Menendez - Fort Collins Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer; Caitlin Wyrick - Executive Director, Heart & Sol, Loveland; and Dr. María Gabriel - Director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion for Thompson School District. 
All League members in Larimer County and across Colorado, Larimer County residents, and anyone interested in learning more about this important issue are encouraged to attend. This meeting is open to the public.
Please share this announcement! All are welcome! You must register in advance to get the Zoom link.


Orientation to the League
Saturday, February 15, 2:00-3:30 PM
Heart of the Rockies Church
6501 Brittany Dr, Fort Collins
Celebrate the League's 105th Birthday and learn about our history, mission, and program priorities. New and prospective members are invited to explore opportunities for involvement and have questions answered. Bring a friend for cake and conversation followed by the presentations. Reservations requested by February 12 on the Calendar. Carpooling can be arranged. 


LWVUS Federal Judiciary Study
The League's study of the federal judiciary is a timely one as news headlines such as this are showing up weekly:
WASHINGTON (AP) December 17, 2024 -- At a time of heightened political division, Americans' confidence in their country's judicial system and courts dropped to a record low of 35% this year, according to a new Gallup poll.
The United States saw a sharp drop of 24 percentage points over the last four years, setting the country apart from other wealthy nations where most people on average still express trust in their systems. Read full article here.
JOIN members in preparing for the March and April consensus meetings by reading background on the study and attending the Town Hall.
League-wide Town Hall on the Federal Judiciary
February 4, 5:00 PM (MT)
The LWVUS Federal Judiciary Study Committee presents leading experts, including speakers from the Brennan Center, the CATO Institute, and NGV LLC. This town hall is an opportunity for League members to pose questions and get more information about the federal judiciary study. 
The town hall will be hosted on the Microsoft Teams platform. Before the event, download this guide to familiarize yourself with the platform and install the Microsoft Teams package if needed. However, you will also have the option of launching Teams in your internet browser. No registration is necessary and a recording will be available for those not able to attend. Join the Town Hall directly with this link.


Voter Services Team News
The voter registration team has trained 41 volunteers during two sessions, one in person and one via Zoom. Anyone still interested in being trained should email Mary Carraher at
We will begin scheduling new registration events soon. Some are already scheduled for March and April.
Thanks to all who took the time and effort to be trained and an extra special thanks to Linda Thomas who is working very hard to smooth the leadership transition.


Health Care Team News
We partner with our local community to educate and advocate for access to affordable health care (including behavioral health care) for all, gun violence prevention, and public health. Join us on February 13 from 11:30 to 1:00 for our team meeting, when we will discuss these three priorities:
  • Changes in the Health District of Northern Larimer County. The science-based, proactive public health care approach to maintaining and improving the health of our community is increasingly important as national policies begin to change, especially for marginalized citizens. We will discuss significant changes occurring locally.
  • Progress and next steps on SB25-045, Health-Care Payment System Analysis concerning the analysis of a statewide universal health care payment system. Lobby Day was January 27 and a first hearing was held by the Senate Health and Human Services Committee meeting on January 30. 
  • Gun Violence Prevention as a Public Health Issue: Currently, LWVCO follows the LWVUS position on Gun Policy, as adopted by the 1990 Convention and amended by the 1994 and 1998 Conventions. Members of our LWVLC Health Care Team are working with the LWVCO Gun Violence Prevention Task Force to research ideas for a new state position focused on a public health approach. 


Great Decisions Discussion Group 
Upcoming Zoom meeting: February 3, 2025, at 11:30.
We will discuss: American Foreign Policy at a Crossroads, Chapter 1 in the 2025 Great Decisions book.
This chapter will explore the contours of the U.S. foreign policy debate as it plays out in a world of multiple and escalating crises and domestic polarization. 
Great Decisions is on the LWVLC Calendar and you can register there.
A Zoom invitation will be sent to all previous participants.
If you are new to Great Decisions and wish to participate, contact Annette DeMartine at 

For more information about Great Decisions, please contact Karen Heckman at

Upcoming meetings are always announced in the League Lines, and you can find us at Great Decisions - International Relations Discussion Group or, navigating from the main menu on our LWVLC website Home page, you'll find us among the "Education Groups" under the “Our Work” tab.
Great Decisions meetings are held on the first Monday of each month from February to June and October to December.


Environmental Team Meeting
Wednesday, February 19, 10:00 - 12:00
"In nature nothing exists alone. Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts." - Rachel Carson
Our February Environmental Team (ET) meeing will be a work session via Zoom. We will first examine the ET areas of emphasis from Program Planning. The "work" will be in the form of participants sharing their insights and experiences about what work needs to be done and to determine where to start or continue to build.
It is very much appreciated if you can volunteer a lot to help our only Environment. But please know that there are many short-term contributions of time and talents that are welcomed. For example, ET does many tabling events. People are always surprised that LWVLC has an Environmental Team -- much less a Pollinator Habitat Group. We need posters to display our efforts in Air and Water Quality, Environmental Justice, Oil and Gas Development, Pollinator Habitat, and Recycling. If we provide information, could you make a display poster?
We have 45+ members on ET's mailing list. Can you imagine the possibilities of that many people focused on the Larimer County Environment??!!
Bring a friend. Bring members from our other Teams -- our Environment affects us all! Let's join forces!
Register on the calendar for the Environmental Team Work Session - 2/19/2025. Roll up your sleeves and let's get to work.


The Affordable Housing Team Takes a Tour
The Affordable Housing Team along with other interested League members was treated to a guided tour of The Landing, the homeless shelter for Larimer County youth, which is preparing for an opening this month in Loveland. The shelter, built with the cooperation of the Thompson School District, Poudre School District, Larimer County, and many other supportive groups, will serve young people, ages 15-20, in need of a day shelter or overnight living accommodation. Supportive services, art classes, a place to hang out -- all are ready and will be managed by Matthews House. 
Meeting housing needs for another group is the Housing Catalyst of Fort Collins. Our team hosted Daniel Covey at its January team meeting. Covey heads up the supportive housing program for this group, people who have become homeless for many years and need help in finding their way back into a stable situation. Housing Catalyst operates Red Tail Ponds and Mason Street to serve this population. Our own team is planning an April public meeting to bring more understanding to all of us about supportive housing. 
A zoning change that will make possible an affordable housing development in Loveland just east of Highway 287 at 57th St was approved by the Planning Commission in January. Named Legacy Crossing, the project is the result of collaboration among the Loveland Housing Authority, Loveland Habitat for Humanity and Mission Homes. Jeff Feneis, Executive Director of the Loveland Housing Authority, will be our guest at our February meeting and will speak in detail about plans for Legacy Crossing. 
We welcome any interested League members to our next Zoom meeting on February 13, 1:30 to 3:00 pm. Register on the Calendar



Informed Citizen Book Club 
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM In-person meeting, 2nd Wednesday of the month.
7:00 - 8:30 PM  Zoom meeting, 2nd Wednesday of the month. 
Morning attendees meet at Epic Egg, 1477 E Eisenhower Blvd, Loveland (new location). 
Please join us for a lively discussion of our January book on February 12th.
Our book is The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together by Heather McGhee.
From the financial crisis to rising student debt to collapsing public infrastructure, economist Heather McGhee found a common root problem: racism. But not just in the most obvious indignities for people of color. Racism has costs for white people, too. It is the common denominator of our most vexing public problems, the core dysfunction of our democracy and constitutive of the spiritual and moral crises that grip us all. With startling empathy, this heartfelt message from a Black woman to a multiracial America leaves us with a new vision for a future in which we finally realize that life can be more than a zero-sum game. 
Please join us on the second Wednesday of each month.
Morning contact: Annette DeMartine,
Evening contact: Pat Skrentny-Lamb,
Visit the IC Book Club webpage to see the list of future 2025 IC Book Club reads.


Larimer Legislative Action Team Prepares for 2025
This promises to be a busy and important year for the Colorado State Legislature. Our team encourages League members to study and act regarding these important bills. Let your representatives know how you want them to vote. 
SB25-001 Colorado Voting Rights Act - This bill will protect Colorado voter rights, including better data collection that will lead to better redistricting choices. The LWVCO Legislative Action Committee (LAC) strongly supports this bill. 
SB25-020 Tenant and Landlord Law EnforcementThis bill gives the Colorado Attorney General and county and municipal officials the authority to enforce state landlord-tenant laws. The LWVCO LAC supports this bill. 
SB25-047 Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law - This bill calls for the repeal of the current Colorado laws related to what Colorado law enforcement offices and government entities could or could not do in relation to ICE officials. The LWVCO LAC is in strong opposition to this bill. 
HB25-1071 Distribution of State Money - This bill would take all of the state funds in the marijuana tax cash fund (a funding source for schools), the school capital construction fund, the peace officer training and support fund, and the affordable housing financing fund and distribute this fund to all 64 counties and two federally recognized tribal governments. The League is strongly opposing this bill. 
For more information, contact Kathy Wilson.


South Larimer Discussion Group
On Wednesday, February 19, at 7:00 pm, the South Larimer Discussion Group will welcome Sandra Wright, Project Manager for Loveland Homeless Systems with Homeward Alliance. Sandra will give us an update on services being provided to people experiencing homelessness in Loveland and the status of the Resource Center/Shelter project. 
Registration is required to receive the link to this Zoom event. Please register here: South Larimer Discussion Group - 2/19/2025

  Membership News
  Looking Ahead...

Keep Your Eyes Open!
As part of the League's Transformational Journey, a unified dues system has been adopted by the LWVUS. In early February all members should watch for an email from LWVUS inviting them to set up an account on ChapterSpot (CS), which is the membership platform the LWVUS selected. Follow the directions to establish your ChapterSpot profile. 
When it's time to renew your membership (for most members this will be in the fall), you'll receive an email from LWVUS which directs you through the renewal process. Further details are on our website (must be logged in to view) or by contacting Linda Mahan at

  Looking Ahead...

  TYSK (Things You Should Know)
  Looking Ahead...

Program Planning Meeting Report Available!
We've captured the Program Planning Meeting presentations in this report. We hope you enjoy reading about our Issues Teams' and Discussion Groups' plans for 2025-2026. Membership will approve the 2025-2026 Program at the Annual Meeting in May. Access the report and the slides from the January 13 meeting at the links below.
New Watch Our Videos Page Available!


We have redesigned the "Watch Our Videos" page to make it easier to use. Just click on a graphic to see videos for 2024 and 2025. (Older videos are available upon request.) We hope you enjoy the new look and feel!

  Looking Ahead...
  Looking Ahead...


  Looking Ahead...
  Looking Ahead...