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Date: 1/15/2025
Subject: Mid-Month Update - January 2025
From: League of Women Voters of Larimer County

January 15, 2025

In this Issue

Note from the New MMU Editor
Upcoming League Events
Things You Should Know
Volunteer Opportunities
Welcome New Members!

Note From the New MMU Editor

You will notice changes to this month's Mid-Month Update!  First, Julie Stackhouse has assumed editorial duties for the MMU from Kathy Maher.  Thanks to Kathy for her amazing energy and creativity.

Next, we plan to focus the Mid-Month Update on a few key sections, including:

  • Upcoming League Events – We’ll highlight important events over the upcoming few weeks or events that may not have made it into League Lines.

  • Things You Should Know – This section will contain information of importance to all League members.  We’ll provide links where possible to keep the narrative short.

  • Volunteer Opportunities – This section will be focused on volunteer opportunities.  You’ll find additional information on the website.

  • Welcome New Members – This section will contain a list of new League members this month.  We'll list new members and then link to additional information.

We anticipate that this format will shorten the Mid-Month Update while providing you with the information you need in between League Lines.  We also hope that this format will reduce the need for all-member e-mail “blasts.” If you have any suggestions for continuing to improve our newsletters, please contact Kathy Maher or Julie Stackhouse.

South Larimer Discussion Group

January 15 - Planning Meeting (Public Meeting via Zoom; registration required) 

7:00 - 8:30 p.m.

The South Larimer Discussion Group will meet virtually to discuss and plan guests/topics/ presentations important to southern Larimer residents. We welcome suggestions for topics that go beyond Loveland, and are open to recommendations for tours and visits. You can register here.

For more information, please visit our SLDG webpage.

Meeting Cancelled

January 21 - News Access and Literacy Task Force

The regular meeting of the News Access and Literacy Task Force (NAL) scheduled for January 21 at 4:30 by Zoom has been cancelled so that members can attend the joint meeting of the Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) and NAL Task Forces.

You can find more information and register for the meeting here. Note that you must be logged in to the LWVCO website to access the event.

Consensus Meeting - Study on the Separation of Church and State - Quorum of Members Needed

February 5

6:30 p.m.
Just Added! Mark Your Calendars for this Important Meeting

Work is underway by a LWVCO study group to research the need for a LWVCO position statement on the separation of church and state. The study group is concerned that the separation of church and state, as described in the First Amendment, is currently threatened by religious nationalism. 

As with all proposed new LWVCO positions, the study group is reaching out to all State Leagues to raise awareness of the significance of the issue, with a goal of reaching consensus on a LWVCO Position.

On February 5 at 6:30 p.m. (via zoom), Jeff Oster (lead of the study group) will hold an educational and discussion meeting with members of the LWVLC.  Once he completes his presentation, we will discuss the consensus questions and vote on whether to accept the proposed LWVCO position. All Leagues will then cast their votes at the State level at a later date.

A quorum of members is needed for this meeting.  Please register here by February 3, if possible, so we can confirm a quorum.

Here is the link to the study.  You must first log in to the LWVCO website:

LWV Colorado Study on the Separation of Church and State

Did You Know...

  • You can submit a request for a promotion on the website landing page?  You can find the request form on the "Submit a Form" page of the website.

  • The Board of Directors has updated the League's "Action and Advocacy" policy? You can find it in the League's Policies Manual.

  • You will receive information on the LWVUS new membership system in early February?  Check out this page for what is changing!

Looking for ways to support the League?

Read about our volunteer opportunities this month.

You can find more on this website page!

Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Liaison to LWVCO

Do you support Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI)? The Larimer League is looking for a volunteer to attend the LWV Colorado JEDI Task Force and keep the Larimer League informed on JEDI action plans. Please consider volunteering for this important job. We hope to expand this role in the coming year. It is an especially critical time to be paying attention.

Contact Pat Burger at or 512-970-5289 if you are interested.

Women's Equality Day (WED) 2025 Planning Team

The WED Planning Team is look for new volunteers! Skills needed: graphic design, public relations, sponsorship solicitations, silent auction planning and execution, award nominations and awards selection, other support.  This is the League’s biggest fundraiser of the year!  Your help is appreciated!

Contact Trish Warner for more information or to join the team!

Habitat for Humanity Build Day

On Saturday, April 5, the LWVLC will participate in Habitat for Humanity's Women Build project. Volunteer shifts run from 8 am - noon and 11 am - 3 pm.  We need 7 volunteers for each shift. This is a League wide event so all members can consider participating!

Contact Trish Warner for more information or to volunteer to build!

WELCOME to Our New Members

Welcome to our new member, Sylvia Dorato, who recently moved to Fort Collins after living in Albuquerque since 1976.

Also, welcome back to former members, Carrie Mass and Lisa Barnes!

Click here to read more about Sylvia and find Carrie and Lisa's contact information. Contact information can also be found in the online Member Directory. This online Member Directory is available ONLY to members who log in.