Consensus Meeting - Study on the Separation of Church and State - Quorum of Members Needed
February 5
6:30 p.m.
Just Added! Mark Your Calendars for this Important Meeting
Work is underway by a LWVCO study group to research the need for a LWVCO position statement on the separation of church and state. The study group is concerned that the separation of church and state, as described in the First Amendment, is currently threatened by religious nationalism.
As with all proposed new LWVCO positions, the study group is reaching out to all State Leagues to raise awareness of the significance of the issue, with a goal of reaching consensus on a LWVCO Position.
On February 5 at 6:30 p.m. (via zoom), Jeff Oster (lead of the study group) will hold an educational and discussion meeting with members of the LWVLC. Once he completes his presentation, we will discuss the consensus questions and vote on whether to accept the proposed LWVCO position. All Leagues will then cast their votes at the State level at a later date.
A quorum of members is needed for this meeting. Please register here by February 3, if possible, so we can confirm a quorum.
Here is the link to the study. You must first log in to the LWVCO website:
LWV Colorado Study on the Separation of Church and State