In This Issue
- Last-Chance Election Info & Tools
- Election Rumors Report: Tune Your Misinformation Antenna
- Looking Ahead: Holiday Gift Card Drive
- Team News, Upcoming Meetings & Events
- Membership News
- Now Recruiting: LWVCO Legislative Action Committee
| Happy 90th Birthday wishes to Carol Rush on November 14th!
Carol has been a League member for 25 years and has been a long-time member of the Affordable Housing Team and the Legislative Action Group. We are grateful that Carol shares her gift with words as a regular contributor to League Lines around housing issues and legislative matters. Special birthday wishes, Carol!
If you'd like to send Carol your own birthday greeting, you'll find her mailing address by doing an online search here: Member Resources - Directories
| Hi, Larimer Leaguers!
OMG, November is upon us! Are we all ready for the election to be in the past? I am. Let's hope there is little drama! Let's look forward to the next Larimer League General Meeting sponsored by our own Environmental Team.
When: November 18th, 6:30 PM
Where: Fort Collins Senior Center
What: "The Why, What, and How of Energy Efficiency and Electrification"
We have numerous local environmental groups tabling at this event. Sign up for a free consultation on energy-efficient home improvements and hear our great speakers from Citizens' Climate Education.
Please register on our website calendar so we know how many are coming. See you there!
Yours in League,
Pat Burger | | | Last-Chance ELECTION Info and Tools | Explore the LWVLC Updated News Literacy Page!
Our News Literacy Page is here to empower you with tools for identifying misinformation and evaluating the credibility of news sources. This isn't a list of recommended sources -- instead, it's a guide to help you make informed decisions on which sources you trust.
We believe that when voters have access to accurate, reliable information, they can cast votes that best serve themselves, their families, and their communities. Dive in and strengthen your role in democracy today!
| | | From the Voter Services Team
Don't forget to Vote!
If you haven't returned your ballot yet, you have until 7 PM on November 5th. To ensure your ballot arrives in time, it is recommended that you return it to a ballot drop box (find locations here: Larimer County Voting and Drop-Off Locations).
It's not too late to share our Election resources with your friends and family -- or to use them yourself!
- - has information tailored to your ballot about candidates and ballot issues.
- If you missed out on attending a candidate forum or a ballot issues presentation, you can find links to the recorded videos here: 2024 Election-Related Media
- The amazing LWVLC website team has made sure the website is full of election resources to support informed vote, so be sure to check it out if you haven't already:
The League of Women Voters of Larimer County
recommends that City of Loveland residents
vote YES on ballot measure 2E.
| Tune Your Disinformation Antenna! |  |
Rumors Report: General Election, 2024
October 8, 2024
The Algorithmic Transparency Instititute (ATI), a project of the National Conference on Citizenship, is partnering with the League of Women Voters during the 2024 U.S. general election to inform LWV and its State Leagues about narratives circulating online related to elections, democracy, and voting. This report summarizes key narratives based on internal monitoring by ATI and tips submitted by our volunteer network.
Covering Rumors Responsibly
The following Narratives may describe rumors, mis-/disinformation, conspiracy theories, and hateful content. Rather than restating or re-sharing the rumors, instead share positive information that inoculates voters against rumors and other false/misleading information.
Summary of Narratives
National Narratives
- False Claim: Donald Trump was the rightful winner of the 2020 election.
- False Claim: Democrats will use unverified overseas votes to steal the election.
State Narratives
- False Claim: There were more votes than registered voters in Henrico County, Virginia, precincts in 2020.
- False Claim: Federal disaster assistance in North Carolina is an effort to "steal" the 2024 election.
- Misleading Claim: Georgia Election Board accuses counties of improperly dismissing voter eligibility challenges.
- Update: Will Pennsylvania accept undated mail-in ballots?
2024 LWVLC Holiday Gift Card Program
The holiday season is approaching... a time when our League gives back to our communities.
This will be the fourth year we have made donations to local nonprofit organizations (see left and below), helping to provide basic needs for their families.
This year's goal is $3,000!!
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Our gift card collection this year is earmarked for Neighbor to Neighbor (N2N) and La Familia.
-- N2N is a nonprofit serving families in Loveland and Fort Collins with housing, emergency rental assistance, and utility assistance.
-- La Familia works alongside diverse families to provide high-quality childcare and supportive services, with an emphasis on cultural attunement with the Latinx community.
For clients of La Familia and families living in N2N housing, increasing costs of housing, food, and utilities leave little if any discretionary monies to spend on gifts.
Gift Cards give parents the opportunity to purchase warm winter coats and shoes needed by many of the children of the affected families. We suggest gift cards in increments of $30 from the following retail stores:
- Walmart
- TJMaxx
- Famous Footwear
- Target
Gift Cards can be dropped off and left in the basket on the table by the front door of the home of Trish Warner (2044 Purgatory Creek Dr., Loveland). Arrangements to pick up cards can be made by calling/texting Trish at 563.580.8491.
Our past gift-card beneficiaries:
2021: $1,220 for La Familia
2022: $1,925 for La Familia, ISAAC, and Alternatives to Violence
2023: $2,590 for La Familia and Alternatives to Violence
Thank you for your past contributions!
Please consider contributing again this year!
| League-Wide News and Events | dfdfdf ... in chronological order
Great Decisions - International Relations Discussion Group
Upcoming Zoom meeting: November 4, 11:30 a.m.
We will discuss: High Seas Treaty, Chapter 7 in the 2024 Great Decisions book.
Areas of the seas beyond national jurisdiction comprise the high seas, which are facing a degradation of ecosystems due to climate change and the increase in human activities, such as shipping, overfishing, pollution, and deep-sea mining. The recently negotiated High Seas Treaty, also known as the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction Treaty, will attempt to address these issues. How difficult will it be to convince nations to participate?
A Zoom invitation will be sent to all previous participants.
If you are new to GD and wish to participate, contact Annette DeMartine at
For more information about Great Decisions, please contact Karen Heckman at
Upcoming meetings are always announced in the League Lines, and you can find us at Great Decisions - International Relations Discussion Group or, navigating from the main menu on our LWVLC website Home page, you'll find us among the "Education Groups" under the “Our Work” tab.
Great Decisions meetings are held on the first Monday of each month from February to June and October to December.
LWVCO Legislative Action Committee (LAC)
1st Training Session prior to the 2025 Legislative Session
November 8, 9:00 - 11:00 AM
No experience necessary.
Just bring your curiosity about how the LAC analyzes, monitors, and lobbies for and against proposed legislation in your area of interest.
Register on the LWVLC or LWVCO Calendars.
For more information, see the recruiting message at the end of this newsletter.
| | | NOCO Native Plant Seed Swap & Giveaway
No matter your gardening experience, you'll find something of interest at the NoCO Native Plant Seed Swap & Giveaway.
We'll have a variety of seeds including annuals, perennials, shrubs, trees, and grasses ranging from easy to difficult to propagate. One plant can produce hundreds of seeds so there is always plenty to share.
No need to have seeds to share. The League of Women Voters of Larimer County Pollinator Habitat Group is a co-host. Contact Cindy at for information.
| Voter Services Team Meeting
Tuesday, November 12th, 6:30-8:30 PM
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
| Blood Drive at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church
Every 2 seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. That's why Our Saviour's Lutheran Church has partnered with the Red Cross to help save lives by hosting a blood drive on November 12 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The community is invited to take part in this special event and donate blood for hospital patients in our neighborhoods and across the nation. The need for blood is constant, but only 3% of the U.S. population donates. By rolling up a sleeve, donors can play a critical role in the treatment of accident and burn victims, heart surgery and organ transplant patients, and those receiving treatment for leukemia, cancer or sickle cell disease.
Please CLICK HERE to create an account and pick your time! If you would like to volunteer that day, please contact Karyn in the office.
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church has long offered their spaces as no-cost meeting venues for the LWVLC. Let's show our gratitude by turning up to donate or otherwise support this blood drive on November 12!
|  | Informed Citizen Book Club
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM: In-person meeting, second Wednesday of the month.
7:00 – 8:30 PM: Zoom Meeting, on the second Wednesday of the month.
Morning regular attendees will meet at Epic Egg,1477 E Eisenhower Blvd, Loveland (new location)
Evening attendees must register for the event on the LWVLC website Calendar.
Please join us for a lively discussion of our November book on November 13th, 2024.
Our book is
Young and Restless: The Girls Who Sparked America's Revolutions
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Young and Restless recounts one of the most foundational and underappreciated forces in moments of American revolution: teenage girls. From the American Revolution itself to the Civil Rights Movement to nuclear disarmament protests and the women's liberation movement, through Black Lives Matter and school strikes for climate, Mattie Kahn uncovers how girls have leveraged their unique strengths, from fandom to intimate friendships, to organize and lay serious political groundwork for movements that often sidelined them. Their stories illuminate how much we owe to girls throughout the generations, what skills young women use to mobilize and find their voices, and, crucially, what we can all stand to learn from them.
The IC Book Club does not meet in December. After the November 13 meeting, our next meeting will take place in January 2025.
Please join us on the second Wednesday of each month.
Morning contact: Beth Jackson at:
Evening contact: Pat Skrentny-Lamb at:
| Health Care Team
Next meeting: November 14, 11:30
The Health Care Team continues to focus on advancing access to affordable care for all, preventing gun violence, and supporting public health.
Highlights from our October meeting:
- We discussed SummitStone Health Partners' layoffs and change in CEO that resulted from funding reductions. They are actively working to rebuild. Longview Acute Care Facility was not impacted.
- We are planning a Gun Violence Prevention forum for the February 2025 General Meeting. This will likely include a focus on advocacy opportunities and initiatives to expand our League's position to make it more actionable. Stay tuned for more details!
- There are ongoing efforts to advance the possibility of a Single Payor Health Care System in Colorado, including funding and advocacy.
- We continue to observe public health meetings and support initiatives that align with our positions.
- Check out the latest Larimer County Health Department's Community Health, Well-Being, and Resilience Dashboard
- There was an interesting discussion on whether fluoride should no longer be added to our water, but it doesn't appear that action was taken.
- Director's updates shared about an initiative supporting electric equipment for small businesses to improve air quality.
Join us for our next meeting on November 14. Topics of discussion will include:
- December 12 United Nations Universal Health Care Day: A day to raise awareness and advocate for universal health care. This is the anniversary of the UN's 2012 resolution when they unanimously endorsed universal health coverage (UHC). UHC is the idea that everyone should have access to quality, affordable health care.
- Planning for the February Gun Violence Prevention General Meeting.
| Affordable Housing Team Meeting
November 14, 1:30-3:00 - Zoom
Guest speaker: Alea Rodriguez, Manager of the Office of Housing Stability for Larimer County. This office works in four areas:
- Individuals Experiencing Homelessness
- Renter and Mobile Home Owners
- Homebuyers and Property Owners
- Community Partners and Developers
| | | Affordable Housing Team Meets New Challenges This Fall
The Affordable Housing Team partnered with the LatinX Community Network to offer a bilingual ballot issues presentation at the Northside Center in Fort Collins on October 20. This event was marketed with area low-income housing providers. State ballot issues were presented by Caitlin Schneider of Count Me In, and local ballot issues were presented by LWVLC members Julie Stackhouse and Trish Warner. Simultaneous translation services were provided by Ally Eden with Language Justice Matters. The presentation was followed up with a Q and A.
In order to understand better the issues and accomplishments of low-income housing organizations in Larimer County, the Team will be contacting housing boards and groups to learn about their work and attend some of their meetings. This would be an opportunity for other League members interested in housing issues to join us in this endeavor. Please contact Trish Warner if you are interested.
The Larimer League has strongly supported the establishment of a homeless shelter in Loveland, but that goal has been elusive. Location of a shelter at the First Christian Church has been proposed, but this would require a zoning change which some oppose. The Loveland Homeward Alliance will offer support to the Church as it has taken on the challenge of using its facility as a homeless shelter.
Easing the great need for affordable housing is being addressed in one way by the Larimer County Commissioners, who recently voted to exempt sales tax on the purchase of modular, manufactured, or tiny homes. The Loveland Reporter-Herald on October 15 noted that on a $412,000 manufactured home, this exemption would save the purchaser about $1,700 and might make the transaction possible that might not otherwise be successful.
| November General Meeting - Register Now!
Monday, November 18, 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Fort Collins Senior Center, Foxtail Rooms 1 & 2
The Case for Energy Efficiency & Electrification
The November General Meeting is being hosted by the Environmental Team and will feature two local experts from Citizens' Climate Education. Learn about the why and how to make your home more energy efficient. Find out how to sign up for a free Go Electric Colorado consultation. Hear about the significant rebates that are available. Talk with several environmental advocacy groups in the area. This program is interactive, with lots of time for questions.
We will explore the case for the energy transition and provide guidance on the options, incentives, and processes to make your home not only more energy efficient and climate friendly, but safer, healthier, and more comfortable. The presentation is open to the public.
| South Larimer
Discussion Group
Learn about the Loveland Climate Action Task Force
Wednesday, November 20
6:00 to 7:30 p.m. -- Zoom
The South Larimer Discussion Group of the Larimer League of Women Voters invites the public to join them in talking with Loveland Assistant City Manager Brett Stewart about the recently created Climate Action Task Force.
This Zoom-only meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 20, from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. Register on the LWVLC Calendar page to receive the Zoom link. | | | Election Reform Team
Meets every 4th Tuesday
4:00 - 5:30 pm on Zoom
Get the link when you register on the LWVLC Calendar , or just ask us!
Next meeting: November 26
We've been successful on a wide variety of election reform initiatives since 2017... | | | ... AND we believe our work is also in supporting our allies:
- We help Represent Fort Collins do the important work of limiting the influence of money in politics;
- We Advocated and helped win the National Popular Vote amendment for Colorado;
- We helped lead the fight that passed Ranked Choice Voting for Fort Collins city elections.
Leaders of Current Issues:
- Kathleen Schmidt prepares to educate the Fort Collins community on ranked choice voting (RCV) in our upcoming local 2025 election.
- Janet Schultz examines voting and resident representation issues with Metro Districts.
- Deborah Shulman studies support for a 5-member commissioner model for Larimer County.
Want to learn more about any of these ideas? Please consider how you can help reform elections by joining our Zoom meeting on Tuesday, November 26th, 4:00-5:30 PM.
| October 2024 Luncheon
The biannual Honorary Members luncheon was held at the Worthington Independent Living facility in mid-October. Seven members enjoyed delicious food, fellowship, and memories of their League experiences. Pat Burger captured some vivid memories on video which we'll share at a later date.
We remembered the kindness and legacy of Kathy Winder, our hostess in absentia.
Following lunch the group joined the Ballot Issues Presentation for the residents of the Worthington, which was presented by Pat Burger and Carol Gertsch.
| In Memoriam -
Kathleen Winder
With great sadness we note the passing of Honorary League Member Kathy Winder at the age of 93 on September 30, 2024, in Fort Collins.
Kathy joined the League in Parma, Ohio, and upon moving to Fort Collins, immediately joined the local League. She credits her 30-year career with the Larimer County Department of Social Services to a conversation with a member disappointed in her wish to adopt a child: she had been told the Department had no one qualified to do a home study. Kathy had an MWS and had done adoption work in Cleveland, so she went down to the County office... | | | ...and came away with a part-time job as an adoption worker! That soon became full-time work and, climbing up the ranks, she ultimately became administrator of the Services Division.
Kathy served on the League Board as President and was active in Voter Services and Membership areas.
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, November 9, at 2:00 PM at the Foothills Unitarian Church, 1815 Yorktown Ave., in Fort Collins.
Memorial gifts may be made to the LWV of Larimer County or a charity of your choice.
| Now Recruiting: Legislative Action Committee (LAC)
The statewide LWVCO LAC is recruiting League members who would be interested in joining this group of citizen lobbyists. Do you follow the Legislature when it is in session? Does delving into proposed legislation and being in a position to help shape it appeal to you? Do you consider yourself an advocate on a particular issue? If you answered YES to any of these questions, please consider joining the LAC. | | | Training is provided and the work you'll do will fast-track your understanding of the Advocacy side of the LWV house. What's more, you'd be joining a group of knowledgeable and dedicated League members from across Colorado whose biweekly presentations of legislation will round out your education on the legislative process and the state's most pressing issues. By joining the LAC, you'll make new friends, enjoy rewarding collaboration with League members, have opportunities to make connections with Colorado State legislators, and personally contribute to shaping legislation in positive ways.
You can read more about the LAC and the topics it covers HERE.
Our local League is represented by several members on the LAC. Contact Kathy Maher if you want to be put in touch with one or more of our local LAC members, who would be happy to talk to you about their experiences.
If you've heard enough and are ready to sign up, contact LAC Co-Chair Maud Naroll to volunteer. | |